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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mac OS X Lion

Apple's Mac OS X lion, the latest in the line of Apple products, can technically be described as an iPad on a computer. Apple's designers and engineers decided that the OS would be more fluent that way, and everything could be found in the main dashboard. There is one main reason why Apple did this; unlike Windows and Ubuntu, newly introduced users could adapt to the program more quickly. Because of the iPad-like interface, iPhone/iPod games may be able to be played because of the interactive track-pad. The Mac App store, released in a recent Mac update, is still going to be available in Lion. Lion will also enable apps to load in full-screen at a sharp resolution. Like Google Docs, your work will automatically be saved and can be locked. The mail and calendar programs will be updated. Like Google, you can share your files using the Airdrop application. This can only be done if the other person whom you are sharing with also has Airdrop (I prefer sending the file to somebody through e-mail). Other to-become operating systems are the latest update of Ubuntu and Chrome OS.

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